Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Getting all torn up about it.

Michelle made a welcome return to my humble studio for another shoot just recently; she was looking for a portrait to submit - along with her application - to take part in the much vaunted Miss West Lothian 2010 competition being run by Eddie Anderson and, to help with that, I’d engaged the services of Make-up artist, Jade McMeckan.

Having bagged the portrait shots, we then went on to other things – you could say Michelle got ‘torn into it’ as we turned the scissors on her leggings and T-shirt while Jade ‘bigged-up’ the make-up with some extra eyes and full, ruby-red lipstick.

The shutter was kept pretty active for the next few hours, with Michelle either working in front of camera or chatting to Jade while I arranged (and endlessly rearranged) backdrops and lighting set-ups.

Four and a bit hours just seemed to sweep bye unnoticed, but I ended the shoot with a great collection of images, and I have to say thanks to the girls for being so patient with me xx


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